MARC Transit App
3D Multiplayer First-Person transit game designed with investors around the world in tandem with McMaster university
Roles: Game Developer
Team Size: 4
Timeline: September 2022 - April 2023 (8 months)
Tools: Unity
Programming (c#) - Created in engine systems to help make development easier. Created and implemented large to small features as well as optimizations.
AI Manager - Created an AI using unity’s Navmesh system. Made the logic behind NPCs walking around then going to a ticket booth, playing correct animations, then going through gates and then getting on train. Creating a scalable system for future use.
Prototypes - Created rapid prototypes (1-2 weeks spent or less on each one) to test out new design ideas and features. AI system, Gate, Vending Machines
Take Aways
Designed and developed features that investors were looking for
Created a large system to be used for future use with documentation
Worked within a team using the agile development cycle and meeting weekly milestones