MARC Transit App

3D Multiplayer First-Person transit game designed with investors around the world in tandem with McMaster university

Roles: Game Developer

Team Size: 4

Timeline: September 2022 - April 2023 (8 months)

Tools: Unity


Programming (c#) - Created in engine systems to help make development easier. Created and implemented large to small features as well as optimizations.

AI Manager - Created an AI using unity’s Navmesh system. Made the logic behind NPCs walking around then going to a ticket booth, playing correct animations, then going through gates and then getting on train. Creating a scalable system for future use.

Prototypes - Created rapid prototypes (1-2 weeks spent or less on each one) to test out new design ideas and features. AI system, Gate, Vending Machines

Take Aways

  • Designed and developed features that investors were looking for

  • Created a large system to be used for future use with documentation

  • Worked within a team using the agile development cycle and meeting weekly milestones